TDA 7381
  • TDA 7381

TDA 7381

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4 x 25W quad bridge car radio amplifier

■ High output power capability:
   – 4 x 30 W/4 Ω max.
   – 4 x 25 W/4 Ω EIAJ
   – 4 x 18 W/4 Ω @ 14.4 V, 1 kHz, 10 %
   – 4 x 15 W/4 Ω @ 13.2 V, 1 kHz, 10 %
■ Clipping detector
■ Low distortion
■ Low output noise
■ Standby function
■ Mute function
■ Automute at min. supply voltage detection
■ Diagnostics facility for:
   – Clipping
   – Out to GND short
   – Out to VS short
   – Thermal shutdown
■ Low external component count:
   – Internally fixed gain (26 dB)
   – No external compensation
   – No bootstrap capacitors
■ Protections:
   – Output short circuit to GND, to VS, across the load
   – Very inductive loads
   – Overrating chip temperature with soft thermal limiter
   – Load dump voltage
   – Fortuitous open GND
   – Reversed battery
   – ESD protection

The TDA7381 is a class AB audio power amplifier in Flexiwatt25 package designed for car radio applications. Thanks to the fully complementary PNP/NPN output configuration the TDA7381 allows a rail to rail output voltage swing with no need of bootstrap capacitors..
The extremely reduced components count allows very compact sets. The on-board clipping detector simplifies gain compression operations. The fault diagnostics makes it possible to detect mistakes during car-radio assembly and wiring in the car.

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